What is Prairie Center CGP about?

Long story short....we strive to center our lives around the Gospel of Christ!

Who are we?

We are regular people, from a variety of backgrounds, ages and experiences who are coming together to express our faith in Jesus Christ. We are learning more about what it means to be Christ-followers, and looking to the Word of God and to the Holy Spirit to help us navigate the challenges of life. We lean on one another for support, encouragement, and fellowship. We do not have all the answers, but we desire to faithfully apply what we are learning in Christ, together, day-by-day.

We are a Pentacostal church. In simple terms, this means that we believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues is still alive and well today. The disciples in the book of Acts received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (and speaking in tongues) on the day of Pentacost. That's where we get the word Pentacostal. Our beliefs are based on scripture, and you can read more about those below!

A lot of people ask us about the "of Prophecy" part of our name. Our parent organization (you can also read about that below) was called The Church of God, and after a split happened several years ago, a judge decided to add "of Prophecy" to our organization to differentiate between the two groups to prevent them operating under the same name.


We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, known as the Trinity.

We believe He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to bear the burden of our sins on the cross, to die an excruciating death in our place, in the hope that one day, you and I would come to know Him and love Him in return.

We believe that God is:

OMNIPRESENT: Present in the past, present and future, all at the same time.

OMNISCIENT: Knowing all things.

OMNIPOTENT: Holding all power.

He is good, merciful, faithful, just and full of grace. He is love. The perfect kind of love. The kind that sees us right where we are, hears our every whisper, and desires nothing more than for us to live a life of holiness. Not perfection....but a life spent turning from our sin, seeking Him, and allowing Him to guide us through this maze called life.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Christ is the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and performed physical miracles. We believe that Jesus of Nazareth satisfied over 300 Old Testament prophesies about the Messiah. We believe Jesus is the perfect sacrificial Lamb, who bore our sins on the cross and died in our place. Perfectly man, perfectly God, leaving Heaven to come to earth, to relate with His creation in hopes of reconciling them to God once again! We believe in His atoning death on the cross, His resurrection, ascension and His imminent personal return in power and glory.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is present and operates His gifts through individuals for the purpose of glorifying God and equipping the Body of Christ to continue His work on earth. We believe every believer is gifted in specific ways to serve God and reach others by using the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their God-given talents and abilities.

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired, authoritative, inerrent Word of God. Inerrent means without error. We believe that every word of scripture was God-breathed and can be used to teach us, correct us, transform us and guide us. It is powerful and is alive and active.


We believe that salvation, or the "born again" experience, is accomplished in each believer by the power of the Holy Spirit, whenever anyone repents of his or her sins. This is not accomplished by good works or church membership but by the grace of God applied to those who confess their sins and place their trust in the risen Son of God. Contrary to many thoughts on salvation, this is not a "one and done" situation. The salvation process continues into what we call "sanctification", in that God calls us to turn from our sins once we accept His gift of salvation, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, live a life that lines up with the Word of God. We believe this means turning from the sin that once held us in bondage, embracing the freedom found in Jesus Christ, and living in a way that pleases God! We are human, and we know everyone makes mistakes! We do not believe the "once saved, always saved" philosophy. We believe that when we make mistakes...and we're going to, because we're human...we must repent to return to a right relationship with Christ.

Water Baptism

We believe water baptism by immersion is an important testimony of Christ's transforming work in each born-again Christian. Is it a requirement of salvation? We don't think so. But if the call of every Christian is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and tell future generations what God has done for us in our own lives, it makes sense that water baptism is important in the testimony, as an outward sign of the work done on the inside!

The Church

We believe Christian churches should strive to make positive contributions to the community through evangelism, prayer, fellowship, discipleship and practical help. It's all about Jesus....we are just here to point the way and help when we can!

Popular Issue: MARRIAGE

We believe that marriage is a divinely-sanctioned relationship between a man and a woman and becomes the foundation of loving, commited, Christian families.

Popular Issue: ABORTION

We believe that all human life is sacred, including the pre-born, aged and disabled.

Statement of Beliefs

The statements above are just a few of our foundational Biblical beliefs and not meant to be a complete statement of our faith.

For more information, please check out our CGP Statement of Faith 2016.


Prairie Center Church of God of Prophecy is a part of the Church of God of Prophecy with International Offices in Cleveland, Tennessee.

We are a part of a 4-state region (Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas), known as the Heartland Territory.

Church of God of Prophecy

PO Box 2910

Cleveland, TN 37320-2910

(423) 559-5100


Heartland Region Church of God of Prophecy

PO Box 356

Broken Arrow, OK 74012

(918) 251-9667
