Prairie Center Leadership

The staff and leadership here at Prairie Center is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for each other, our church family and our community at large. It takes a team, and there are many more not on this page that are vital to the health of our local church!



Pastor Scott and his wife, Crystal, have been a part of this local congregation since they were children. Their passion for Christ and this local church is the reason they have enjoyed serving God in ministry positions for over 2 decades, including children's ministries, youth and young adult ministries, youth worship, women's ministries, directors of children and youth ministries for the Heartland region, and now as Senior Pastor. Their two sons are oftentimes found serving alongside them.

They are enjoying living out their God-given dream of serving full-time in Christian ministry.


Worship Directors

Jeff and Anita have been in the worship scene in one role or another since their youth. Even though they moved to Olathe in December of 2021, they are no strangers to our local church! Jeff grew up in Olathe and attended our local church as a child into adulthood, until he and Anita met as staff at church camp, married and moved out of the area to help plant a church. He and Anita both have family ties in our church, and we welcomed them back with open arms as the new Worship Directors in February of 2022! Along with their daughter, Jeff and Anita love to mix new music with the old, and bring a variety of worship songs to our Sunday mornings, Worship Wednesdays and other youth events. They work tirelessly to lead with excellence, always keeping Jesus as the focalpoint of their ministry!


Children's Ministry Director

Savannah was 18 months old when she began attending Prairie Center CGP, and her love for God and His people has grown with her here! In her early teenage years, it was apparent that she had a passion for working with preschool and school-age children and teaching them about the Lord!

Savannah oversees Sunday morning (Foundations of Faith) Kid's Service, Wednesday night Kid's Bible Club, the Church nursery, and directs our Vacation Bible School during the summer! She is a HUGE asset to our church, and we couldn’t love her more!


Every Day God Experience

We love Youth at Prairie Center CGP, and believe in inspiring teens in middle school and high school to know what they believe, and to understand that a life lived for God is best! We also believe in training our teens to not only be future leaders, but leaders NOW! Our youth group ministry is a team effort, and that team is lead by four of our youth! The Youth Councel (they've nicknamed themselves the Youconians LOL!), supervised by a few adults, plan, organize and lead the youth group in inspired lessons, fun activities, and Christ-centered outreach. We might be biased, but we have the best youth group in town!


Young Adult Ministry / Children’s Bus Ministry

Stephanie has attended Prairie Center CGP for many years, and we are excited for her to be the new director of our Young Adults Ministry! Like many of our core volunteers, she fills many other roles as well, such as the lead for our new Children’s Bus Ministry that will be rolling out soon, and the Decoration Coordinator for many of our events, like VBS! She dedicates her talents and skills to the LORD, and we are excited for what He is doing in these ministries! Her fun attitude and her desire to see young adults live for the LORD are just two things we love about Stephanie!


Director of Online Ministries

Kendra started attending Prairie Center CGP in 1992 when her family moved to the Kansas City area. Now, she and her husband and children can be found serving in several ministry roles in our local church. Kendra keeps our social media pages and our website up to date with upcoming events, ministry opportunities, church communication, and more. She is always looking for ways to minister to people through these outlets, and her motto is, "Ministry over Marketing!". Her belief is that sharing the gospel of Christ is essential; the church is just here to help.