Want to know what to expect when visiting Prairie Center?

What Should I Wear?

How you arrive doesn't really matter to us. You will see people in jeans and t-shirts, sitting next to people in suits and dresses. We believe the way we prepare our hearts for worship matters more than the outward appearance. Dress how you feel comfortable...just come to worship with us!

Where Should I Park?

If you are in need of a handicap space, there are several directly across from the North (main) entrance, as well as the East (Montclaire) entrance. If you need further assistance, you can drive up to the main entrance and one of our ushers will park your car for you. For everyone else, parking is available around the building!

What About My Kids?

We love children at PCCGP! If you would like more information about our Children's Ministries, please click HERE. We would love to introduce you to the teachers, and show you the space our kids occupy! If you prefer to keep your children with you during service, that is no problem! Children are always welcome with their parents in "big church" as well!

Will I Be Expected to Give Offering?

Well...do you want to? That's really what it comes down to! We collect offerings during our worship service as an opportunity for our church family to celebrate the faithfulness of our God and to give freely in support of the church and its ministries, including missions, youth camps, future building initiatives and community benevolence. What you give is between you and the LORD!

How Do You Pray?

We are a church that believes in the power of prayer. There will be times when we are all praying together, out loud; there will be times when we kneel at the altar; there will be times when people choose to come forward to be prayed over or make requests for others to pray for or with them. We encourage you to pray how you feel comfortable; you will not be pressured to participate in any way. We believe that talking to God is so much more important than HOW you do it!

Will I Be Contacted After I Visit?

We have guest packets on our information table right outside the sanctuary doors. Feel free to fill out the connection card. If you choose to be contacted after service, simply put the connection card in the offering basket, or hand it to an usher, a greeter, or the Pastor himself! It just allows us to get to know you better and let us know how we can serve you! We realize our church may not suit everyone, but we will be glad that you gave us a try. We pray everyone finds a church family that helps them worship, grow, fellowship and serve others in Jesus's name!

What's Your Worship Service Like?

Great question! We are a multi-generational church, from babies to senior citizens. We enjoy a "blended" worship service, to minister to the hearts of each generation in our congregation. On any given Sunday, you will hear hymns, alongside contemporary songs, with lyrics on the big screen on stage. We love instruments, including electric piano, drums, guitars, bass guitars, trombones, violins...the more the merrier! You will see new musicians on stage from time to time, learning alongside seasonsed musicians. Personal worship is encouraged! If you desire, feel free to raise your hands and your voice! If you are more reserved, you are welcome to worship quietly!

What Is The Pastor's Sermon Style?

We have a variety of speakers who will speak in addition to our Pastor, so you will be introduced to as many varieties of styles as there are individual speakers. Our goal is to communicate the ageless wisdom of God's Word in a relational style through relevant topics that offer practical applications for modern living. We do not know the answer to every question; we are on this journey together! Pastor Scott typically has "sermon series" where we explore the same or similar topics for a number of weeks. He speaks more like a speaker but may get a little loud if he feels the urgency in his spirit to do so! Sermons are Bible-based and you'll see many Bible verses on the big screen during the sermon!